Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult Colleen Hoover has been one of the most viral authors in recent years, especially with her books like It Ends with Us and Verity. Her strong social media presence and dedicated fan base made her a constant trending topic.
Genre: Romance, Contemporary Fiction Emily Henry’s books like Beach Read and Happy Place have gained widespread popularity and she’s known for engaging directly with her readers online, often making her a trending author.
Genre: Literary Fiction, Contemporary Rooney's works like Normal People and Conversations with Friends sparked significant online conversations, and her ability to tap into cultural discussions around relationships and personal identity keeps her in the spotlight.
Genre: Memoir, Non-fiction Kirsten Powers’ book Saving Grace: Speak Your Truth, Stay Centered, and Learn to Co-Exist with People Who Drive You Nuts made waves for its relevant take on modern life. Her relatable, empowering message could easily gain traction on platforms like TikTok.
Genre: Thriller, Mystery With books like Home Before Dark and The House Across the Lake, Sager’s suspenseful writing and mastery of twists have given him a viral presence. Thriller readers often share their favorite moments or plot twists online.
Genre: Fantasy Known for Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi’s blend of African mythology and fantasy resonated with a wide audience. Her presence on social media platforms discussing both her books and activism likely helped her stay viral.
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction Brittney Morris gained attention for her YA books like Slay and The Cost of Knowing. Her exploration of identity, video games, and race made her an important voice in the YA community.
Genre: Romance Known for her steamy romances, Tessa Bailey has a strong social media presence, with books like It Happened One Summer and Hook, Line, and Sinker resonating with readers who love a fun, romantic escape.